Thursday, June 13, 2013

Fabric PopCorn Bucket

I was tired of my kids using my mixing bowls for their popcorn snacking habit.  The big bowls were always dirty when I needed them, I'm the only one that was washing them - either by hand or they were taking up space in the dishwasher, and I really don't like the kids eating out of the bag with all that residual grease in the bottom getting all over the place.  Also, I needed to use up some scrap fabric... that's always the case around here! These go straight in the wash with the fabric napkins and dishtowels (which are the kids' responsibility anyway!)

You'll need
  •  a fat quarter of fabric (quilter's cotton will do if you back it with some fusible interfacing, but I like something a little more substantial.) 
  • an equal amount of PUL for the lining, 
  • a package of ready made piping or bias tape (homemade bias tape is okay too.) 
Start with 15" by 19" rectangles, one of fabric and one of lining.  Line up the edges, pin if you wish, and fold them in half so you are looking at a 7.5" by 19" rectangle.  Lay a 3"x5" card centered along the edge opposite of the fold.   Pin in place, or trace with fabric marker (or pencil, if that's what you've got) and cut out around the edges of the card.  

Unfold and admire the I shape you have created. 

Separate the lining and the outer fabric and fold each in half the other direction from when you were cutting.  You now have a two 9.5" by 15" rectangles with the bottom corners cut out. Pin these side edges above the corners.

Sew along the pinned edges for both pieces.  Whatever seam allowance you are comfortable with, use a slightly larger measurement on the lining for a better fit.  Press your seams flat. 
The tricky-to-explain-but-really-not-that-hard part: rearrange the bottom of the box, so that the cut out corners resemble a mouth.  You will be sewing across this mouth perpendicular to the recently formed side seams. 

Pin both sides of both lining and outer fabric, then sew with same seam allowance. Be sure to go right up to the edge, even go off the edge to be sure there is no hole in the bottom of your bowl.

Behold, two flat bottom bowls!  One of lining and one of outer fabric. (I don't usually bother with ironing the bottom corner seams flat.)

Either sandwich them right sides together with a length of piping in place between them, or wrong sides together with a length of bias tape applied (shown here).  Be sure the raw edges of the trim, the outer fabric and lining are lined up well, and pay attention to how the ends will finish out - fold the bias tape appropriately, or steer the piping so the cut ends are hidden in the seam allowance.

Sew along this top edge.  If you're using piping, leave a 4" - 5" gap for turning.  After turning the bowl right side out, press the top edge neatly and top stitch all the way around to close the gap.  If you're using bias tape, fold it over to the inside, pin and press, then whip stitch by hand or machine topstitch the folded edge in place.

A machine washable bowl for popcorn or other movie snacks!

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