Monday, September 08, 2008

Pile O Babies

Mia's 'school work' for the day. Even though she asks for math worksheets (blech), she quickly bores of them and asks for something else, or to go play. I don't blame her, and I don't force her - she's only four, for crying out loud. She does enjoy organizing things, like my cabinets, and arranging things like her baby dolls.
Then today, this idea came to me. I remember doing a lot of graphing in the first grade classroom I worked in for a very short time. I had Simon and Mia fetch 8 baby dolls from their room, while I gathered a ruler and sticky notes. I made a chart on the white board - just a little more interesting than working on paper, and a larger scale is easier for young hands to work with. Simon wrote out the tags for the babies' names, and I gave a quick tutorial on how to measure with a rule, making sure baby's feet are at the beginning of the number line. She did the rest. She really enjoyed this.

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